Research Outcomes

Research Outcomes
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SCIE papers

[49] A study on the activity recovery behavior of noble metal catalysts against sulfur poisoning

관리자 | 2023-09-01
조회 : 7

Catalysis Today [IF 5.3 - JCR Rank 19.4% in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL]


Kyoung-Jin Kim, Yeol-Lim Lee*, Ga-Ram Hong, Seon-Yong Ahn, Beom-Jun Kim, Sang Soo Lee, Yukwon Jeon, Hyun-Seog Roh*


Department of Chemical Engineering, Keimyung University, Dalgubeoldaero 1095, Dalseo-Gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
대구광역시 달서구 달구벌대로 1095 계명대학교 화학공학전공, 공과대학 3호관 3319호